Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Three Months

It was 3 months ago that our little girl was born. Before Olivia, I would have measured time 3 months as a quarter of classes at university or perhaps as a season passed, but now I look at this little girl and see all that she is discovering; her hands, her toes, her tongue, lights!, people, laughs, squeals, smells, books, music, gurgling, Boone, rolling over (almost), and the list goes on and on. David and I just love to see how she grows each day. All of you were right, it happens so fast!


  1. At least you are enjoying and chronicling as it happens so that you won't feel like it happened so fast that you missed it.
    You are doing beautifully, Mama Jen :)

  2. Jennifer, David, and Olivia -

    Here is an added depth perception to time, it's part of a theory as to why children soak up knowledge so quickly.

    3 month's to an adult is enough time to take a quarter of classes at a university, or enough time for the leaves to fall to the ground.
    To a little baby, 3 months is the time it takes to discover light, and tongue, and smells, and hands, and people, and rolling over.

    To the adult 3 month's is a "short" amount of time, because it is compared to a year, or a decade.
    To a baby 3 month's is a "long" time because it is the total of their lifespan.

    Everything that an adult knows, is within a time frame.
    Everything that an infact knows, is also within a time frame.
    The only differnce is, that what adults call 3 month's, is what an infact calls reality.

    This makes me wonder how 3 month's might look to someone whose referance point was 300 years?
    Or to someone who only had 3 miniutes to live?

    Time is funny the way that it can appear to us.
    It seems to be made out of something other than a clock, that's for sure.

    Here is to enjoying your "time" together,

    Ben Bingham
